Cross Registration

Cross Registration

The SOCHE cross-registration program allows degree-seeking students access to academic opportunities not available at their home institutions, to maintain their current home institution program of study. Students enrolled at a college or university within SOCHE may register for courses that are available at other SOCHE institutions and GC3 institutions. All registrations are subject to the approval of home and host institution registrars. 

The cross-registration form must be opened, updated, and saved on a desktop computer via Adobe Acrobat Reader at each stage of completion. The file will not work properly if opened on a phone.

The completed cross-registration form, with all approvals, must be submitted to the Host Institution no later than that school’s first day of the term. Otherwise, the student will be responsible for all charges.

NOTE: Ohio University currently does not participate in SOCHE’s cross-registration program.

♦ The Cross Registration Program allows degree-seeking students access to academic opportunities not available at their home institutions to maintain their current home institution program of study. All registrations are subject to the approval of home and host registrars. Students enrolled at a college or university within SOCHE may register for courses that are available at other SOCHE institutions and GC3 institutions.

♦ Desired course(s) must not be available at the home institution during the term the student wishes to enroll and must be course(s) required for the student’s program. Generally, most courses, except study abroad, are eligible—subject to space availability, completion of prerequisite courses, and permission of both the home and the host institutions.

♦ Contact the Cross Registration coordinator at both the home and the host institutions for more information and to learn about their specific registration guidelines.

♦ Students must be degree-seeking and in good academic standing at their home institution.

♦ Students are subject to enrollment and eligibility requirements, as determined by the host institution.

♦ Students may not register for a course that is available at the home institution during the same term.

♦ Credit hours taken at the host institution may not exceed credit hours taken at the home institution per academic term and are subject to the home registrar approval.

♦ The combined course load for a student at both the home and the host institutions may not exceed the full-time course load allowable at the home institution.

♦ Students are restricted to a maximum number of cross-registered courses/hours per program of study throughout their matriculation.

♦ Associate program: 15 hours

♦ Undergraduate program: 30 hours

♦ Graduate programs: Subject to the discretion of the two institutions

♦ While completing a program of study, students from two-year institutions may cross-register for courses at four-year institutions and vice versa, as long as the courses are required to obtain the associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate degree for which the student is currently enrolled at the home institution.

♦ The home and the host institutions reserve the right to require additional requirements and the right to override eligibility requirements. If proper procedures are not followed, the student will be ineligible for the cross-registration program and will be responsible for all charges incurred at the host institution.

The completed cross-registration form, with all approvals, must be submitted to the Host Institution no later than that school’s first day of the term. Otherwise, the student will be responsible for all charges.

♦ The desired course(s) must not be available at the home institution during the term the student wishes to enroll.

♦ Course(s) may be taken for credit only.

♦ Course(s) must apply to the degree program in which they are enrolled.

Cross registration for different modalities may require additional approvals. If a student seeks to cross register for a course that is offered at a host campus via a different modality (e.g. course is offered virtual at home institution but in-person at host institution), situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the home institution cross registration coordinator with questions and to check eligibility.

Seeking a different course instructor or section time schedule is not a viable justification for cross registration.

♦ Institutional articulation agreements and study abroad programs are excluded.

Generally, most courses, are eligible—subject to space availability, completion of prerequisite courses, and permission of both the home and the host institutions.

♦ Using the student eligibility checklist above, students should first determine if they are eligible for cross-registration.

♦ Contact the home institution’s cross-registration coordinator BEFORE initiating the cross-registration process. The home institution may require additional forms to be completed.

♦ Apply to the host institution as a NON-DEGREE-SEEKING student.

♦ Review the host institution’s (the cross-registration institution) registration site to determine if there is space available in the course(s) sought. Course registration information includes course offerings, contact information, registration times, and information on prerequisites and fees. DO NOT REGISTER YOURSELF – that will happen via the cross-registration form.

♦ Complete the cross-registration form and obtain all necessary approvals. You will need Acrobat Reader to open and save this form! If you open the cross-registration form in any other platform, such as a web browser, it will not function properly. Instructions for completing the form:

  • Download and save the  zipped cross-registration form file to your computer, then unzip the file. Open the unzipped file in Acrobat Reader via desktop before attempting to fill out any sections. The form must be saved in Acrobat Reader at each stage of completion for all functionality to work properly. The file will not function correctly if opened or saved on a phone.
  • All information on the form MUST be typed. Fully handwritten forms will be rejected.
  • With the form open in Acrobat Reader on your computer, fill out Section 1 of the cross-registration form with your personal information. Save the file as a PDF in Acrobat Reader on your computer.
  • With the form open in Acrobat Reader on your computer, fill out Section 2 of the cross-registration form with information about the course(s) sought. Be sure to list a lab as a separate course. Save the file as a PDF in Acrobat Reader on your computer.
  • With the form open in Acrobat Reader on your computer, digitally sign the cross-registration form in the appropriate spot and attach a copy of your current photo ID in the appropriate spot on page 2. Save the file as a PDF in Acrobat Reader on your computer.
  • Email the fillable PDF as an attachment to the appropriate individual(s) for departmental or instructor approval(s), if required. That person will need to open the form in Adobe Acrobat on their computer, digitally sign the form in the appropriate spot, then save the file in Acrobat Reader, and return to you.
  • Email the fillable PDF as an attachment to obtain digital signatures from the appropriate individuals for institutional approvals in this order:
        1. Home institution academic advisor
        2. Home institution cross-registration coordinator
        3. Host academic advisor, if required. If host instructor or departmental approval is required for your desired course, be sure that individual also signs in the appropriate spot(s) in Section 2 of the form.
        4. Host institution cross-registration coordinator – After approval has been granted at the home institution, the student sends the approved cross-registration form PDF to the host institution cross-registration coordinator, who will finalize the student’s registration in the requested course(s).

The fillable cross-registration form should be used for both adding and dropping courses. Institutional approvals are required for dropped courses, as well as added.

♦ Failure to obtain the necessary approvals can result in rejection of the cross-registration application.

♦ The completed cross-registration form must be submitted electronically to the host institution cross-registration coordinator no later than the first day of that institution’s term. Otherwise, the student will be responsible for all charges.

♦ Once the host institution cross-registration coordinator receives the completed form, with all appropriate approvals in place, and determines the form has been completed correctly, they will register the student for the requested course(s) or will drop the course(s) requested.

Students requiring accommodations from accessibility services should contact their HOME institution Accessibility/Disabilities Office and request that the home institution provide host institution with an accommodations letter. The student’s home institution Accessibility Office should contact the host institution’s office regarding host institution guidelines, then the home institution’s office is responsible for communicating this information to the student. The student is responsible for informing faculty, as needed, or the student may request that the host institution’s Accessibility Office inform the appropriate faculty.

Cross registration for different modalities as accommodations can be considered but may require additional approvals. If a student seeks to cross register for a course that is offered at a host campus via a different modality (e.g. course is offered virtual at host institution but in-person at home institution), situations will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Contact the home institution cross registration coordinator with questions and to check eligibility.


♦ Home institution cross-registration coordinators should NOT sign forms until the student’s academic advisor has first approved the course(s). Host institution cross-registration coordinators should approve only forms that have been completed correctly and have all appropriate signatures.

♦ At the end of the open registration period of each semester or quarter, the host institution will notify the home institution of students who are cross-registered and provide a copy of this report to SOCHE. The final, completed, and signed cross-registration form for each student should be emailed to SOCHE.

♦ Add/Drop Procedures: Students must utilize the cross-registration form for both adding and dropping classes. Any class adds must be completed for both the home and the host institution, following each school’s respective procedures. Any class drops must be completed within the host institution’s deadlines and procedures. If there is a change in the student’s status, the host institution will notify both the home institution and SOCHE.

♦ Grades/Transcripts: Grades are transcribed according to the academic standards and grading practices of the host institution. Quarter hours are converted to semester hours, and vice versa, as appropriate to the home institution’s conversion formula. After completion of the course(s), the host institution should send a transcript or grade report should be sent via electronic means (not via USPS mail) to the cross-registration coordinator at the home institution for inclusion on the student’s official transcript.


♦ Regular tuition and fees are payable to the home institution by that school’s deadline.

♦ Students may be charged additional fees for specialty classes, such as software, lab fees, database access, etc. Students are responsible to the host institution for all special or extra fees.

♦ IMPORTANT: Some graduate-level courses can result in additional charges that become the responsibility of the student to pay. Before registering for a graduate-level course, consult with the host institution regarding fees or charges that may not be covered by the cross-registration agreement.

GC3 institutions reserve the right to charge an administrative fee which is paid directly to the host institution.

  • To use cross-registration for the summer term, the degree-seeking student must be registered or pre-registered for the current summer and/or upcoming fall term at their home institution.
  • If the student is registered at the home institution for summer term, they may cross-register for the same number or fewer credit hours at the host institution.
  • If the student is not registered at the home institution for the summer, but is registered for fall term, the student may cross-register for a MAXIMUM of two courses at the host institution during summer term.
  • If the student is not registered at the home institution for summer or fall terms, they cannot cross-register for any summer courses.
  • The combined summer course load for a student at both home and host institutions may not exceed the full-time course load allowable at the home institution.

Institutional articulation agreements and study abroad programs are excluded.

Cross Registration Directory

Air Force Institute of Technology

2950 Hobson Way, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH 45433

Jeffrey Sandru or Melissa Shrader
(937) 656-0710

Antioch College

1 Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Kaitlyn Reck

Assistant Registrar
(937) 319-0211

  1. Click here to view the Antioch College schedule of classes.
  2. Contact Antioch College Registrar for information on class availability.
  3. Email completed Cross-Registration form to You may also bring completed Cross Registration Form in person to the Office of the Registrar, but digital versions are preferred.

Student Success Services Coordinator

Beth Barnes

(937) 319-0093

Antioch University

900 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Maureen Heacock
Registrar Department: Student Services

The Office of Disability Support Services (ODSS)
Karen Crist, Director of the Office of DSS

Cedarville University

251 North Main Street, Cedarville, OH 45314

Fran Campbell

  1. Before applying to Cedarville University, read these Cross Registration procedures.
    Cedarville University Cross Registration Procedures.

The Cove–Academic Enrichment Center Cedarville University

Central State University

P.O. Box 1004, Wilberforce, OH 45384

Tracee Willis
Transcript Evaluator, Office of the Registrar

Office of Empowerment and Accessibility

Cincinnati State Technical and Community College

3520 Central Pkwy., Cincinnati, OH 45223

Ann Latham


Karen Magness-Lewe

Registration Supervisor


Read the Admission instructions for non-degree students before applying for cross registration at Cincinnati State.

Office of Disability Services

(513) 569-1775

Clark State College

570 E. Leffel Lane, Springfield, OH 45505

Diana Seaman

Accessibility Services
Accessibility Services | Clark State Coll

Edison State Community College

1973 Edison Drive, Piqua, OH 45356

Amber Hare

  1. Print and complete SOCHE registration form.
  2. Phone or stop in and have an Edison Community College Resource Specialist assist you in finding class requirements and availability.
  3. Complete the Edison registration form.
  4. Mail or FAX completed SOCHE registration form and Edison Registration form to the above address, attn: Rebecca Pepoit.

NOTE: Students must apply to Edison. Any student wanting to take online courses needs to fulfill online-readiness requirement. See Resource Specialist for information.

Student Disability Services


Franklin University

201 S Grant Ave, Columbus, OH 43215


Office of Accessibility Services
Carla Waugh

3737 Southern Blvd., Kettering, OH 45429

Josie Burns
Associate Registrar

  1. Contact the Registrar’s Office to check on course availability.
  2. Bring the Cross Registration Form, in person, to the Records Office for processing.
  3. All consortium students must register in person.

Disability Services
(810) 762-9650

Miami University Regionals

1601 University Blvd., Hamilton, OH 45011

Lisa Iams

Miami University – Hamilton

100 Mosler Hall, 1601 University Blvd., Hamilton, OH 45011

Regional Records & Registration Offices or Regional One Stop

Miami University Regionals – Middletown

1st Floor, Johnston Hall, 4200 E. University Blvd., Middletown, OH 45042

Regional Records & Registration Offices or Regional One Stop

  1. Go to the course list for information on class availability. Be sure to choose the correct term/semester and location before searching.
  2. Bring completed Cross Registration Form to Records Office or One Stop on the campus where your course is located. A Customer Service Representative will sign the Cross-Registration Form and keep the University Copy.
  3. May cross-register in person or faxed/scanned documents.

Student Disability Services
Karen Yates, Coordinator

Shawnee State University

940 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662

(740) 351-4357

Office of Accessibility Services

(740) 351-3608


Sinclair Community College

444 West Third Street, Dayton, OH 45402

Tina Hummons

  1. Read the SOCHE Cross Registration FAQ to ensure you meet requirements of the program.
  2. Check our on-line catalog for information on class availability.
  3. Bring completed Cross Registration Form Registration and Student Records, Second Floor of Building 10, or the Regional Campuses.
  4. Consortium students must register in person during late registration.
SCC Hosting:
  1. Check class availability on the SCC web page.
  2. Get home academic advisor and Registrar signature on the SOCHE Cross Registration Form.
  3. Bring completed SOCHE Cross Registration Form to Registration and Student Records.
Sinclair Community College Home:
  1. Check class availability on the SCC web page. Only if the course is unavailable, get your academic advisor’s and Registrar’s signature on the SOCHE Cross Registration Form.
  2. Check the host institution’s Cross Registration first day to register.
  3. Take form to the host institution to register.

Office of Accessibility Services
Lorrie Spivey

Gloria Kinney (Contact if you are from Warren Country, Clinton County, or if attending the Mason Campus)
(937) 512-5530


2750-B Indian Ripple Rd., Beavercreek, OH 45440

Mindy Claggett
Senior Manager, Member Professional Development

Southern State Community College

100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, OH 45133

Amanda Thompson
937-393-3431 ext. 2616

Disability Services
Ryan Hall, Learning Services & Accessibility Coordinator

University of Cincinnati

2600 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45221

Kathy Fryman
Program Manager

Accessibility Resources
(513) 556-6823

University of Dayton

Flyer Student Services, 1st Floor, St. Mary’s Hall, 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469

Kristi Cool
Assistant Registrar, Flyer Student Services

ADD/DROP WEBPAGE (Find the add/drop dates here)

SOCHE Cross Registration (Specific information for using the cross registration program)

  1. Check our website for course availability at
  2. Email your fully completed form along with a copy of your driver’s license/passport to

Office of Learning Resources
Deanna Arbuckle/Melissa Recht/John Potter

Walsh University

2020 East Maple Street, North Canton, OH 44720

Kelsey Nagy or Alexandria Sanders
(330) 490-7367

Office of Accessibility Services
Meredith Soduk
(330) 490-7529

Wilberforce University

P.O. Box 1001, Wilberforce, OH 45384

Carol Richardson
Registrar’s Office

Student Accessibility Services
William Ford
(937) 708 5251

Wilmington College

1870 Quaker Way, Wilmington, OH 45177

Pam Baessler
Assistant Registrar
937-382-6661  ext. 322

  1. Phone Wilmington College Student One Stop Center, for information on class availability.
  2. Bring completed Cross Registration Form to Records Office, First Floor, College Hall. Assistant Registrar signs completed Cross Registration Form.

Disability Services
Amber D. Walters, Director of Disability Services

Wright State University

3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435

Amanda Watkins
Assistant Registrar

ADD/DROP WEBPAGE(Find the add/drop dates here)

SOCHE Cross Registration(Specific information for using the cross registration program)

WSU Hosting:
  1. Check class availability on WSU web page here.
  2. Check Consortium Registration date here.
  3. Get home academic advisor and Registrar signature on SOCHE Cross Registration form.
  4. Bring completed SOCHE Cross Registration form to Raider Connect.
WSU Home:
  1. Check availability of the course at WSU. Only if the course is unavailable, get your academic advisor’s and the Raider Connect signature on the SOCHE Cross Registration form.
  2. Check Host institution’s Cross Registration first day to register.
  3. Take form in person to the Host institution to register.

Registration Dates (Scroll to the bottom and look for “Consortium Registration”)

Drop Dates

Office of Disability Services

Wittenberg University

P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501

Jenna Unterseher
Associate Registrar

Accessibility Services
Gwen Owens, Director of Student Success and Accessibility Services

Councils & Committees

SOCHE is dedicated to advancing higher education through active collaboration, resource and knowledge building, and effective professional development programs. To accomplish this, SOCHE administers 16 active Councils and Committees. The purpose of a SOCHE Council or Committee is to provide an opportunity for representatives from higher education to be a resource for one another, share information and best practices, identify common challenges, and, ultimately, broaden awareness of the resources, services, and activities in higher education. SOCHE is also dependent upon the Councils and Committees for substantial input on annual professional development programs.

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