2023 DAGsi Student Research presentations

Ashton Williams (RH)
Anomaly Detection in
Multi-Seasonal Time Series Data
Faculty Member: Dr. Soon Chung
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Vincent Schmidt

Daniel Tyree (RH)
Determination of vibrational state energy from THz rotational spectra: Urea assignment of the ground and first eight excited vibrational states
Faculty Member: Dr. Ivan Medvedev
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Steve Kim

Brennan Swick (RX)
Industrial Robot Imitation Learning for Manufacturing Assembly Tasks
Faculty Member: Dr. Michael Groeber
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Dr. Andrew Gillman

Aaron Winget (RX)
Intelligent Algorithms for the Optimization of Rare Earth Cation Force Field Parameters
Faculty Member: Dr. Kevin Hinkle
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Rajiv Berry

Mariah Schwartz (RY)
Antimonide-Based Planar Avalanche Photodiodes on InP Substrates for Short Wave Infrared Applications
Faculty Member: Dr.Sanjay Krishna
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Charles Reyner

Lucas Clark (RY)
Direct Ink Write Processing Of Signal Crossovers Using Aerosol Jet Printing Method
Faculty Member: Dr. Ahsan Mian
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Emily Heckman

Bernie Melus (RY)
Inverse Design of Photonic Interconnects for Heterogeneous Integration
Faculty Member: Prof. Ronald M. Reano
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Joseph S. Suelzer

JinHong Chen (RY)
Reinforcement Learning Applied to Reconfigurable Hardware in Contested Environment
Faculty Member: Prof. Waleed Khalil
and Dr. Shane Smith
AFRL Sponsor: Tony Quach

Ryan Sauder (RQ)
Unsteady Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer in Turbines
Faculty Member: Dr. Mitch Wolff
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. John Clark

Bryce Mazurowski (RQ)
Multiscale Modeling of Composite Materials with the Generalized Finite Element Method
Faculty Member: Armando Duarte
AFRL Sponsor:Dr. Dr. Patrick O’Hara

Zach Carner (RQ)
Study of High-Energy Loads Thermal Performance Under Aircraft Mission Profile Conditions
Faculty Member: Dr. Mitch Wolff
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Abdeel Román

Rachel Tullis (RQ)
Investigation of Surface Roughness Effects on Additively Manufactured Metals Under Dynamic Loading
Faculty Member: Nathan Klingbeil
and Joy Gockel
AFRL Sponsor: Dino Celli

Ethan Fitz (RQ)
Physics-Inspired Deep Learning Techniques for Modeling and Control of Complex Aircraft
Faculty Member: Manish Kumar
and Prashant Khare
AFRL Sponsor: Michael Bolender
and David Casbeer

TJ Miller (RQ)
Temporal Convergence and Stability Assessment of the Generalized Finite Element Method for Multi-Scale Field Problems
Faculty Member: Dr. Jack McNamara
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Pat O’Hara

Drew Scott (RQ)
Noise Aware Path Planning for Hybrid UAVs
Faculty Member: Dr. Manish Kumar
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. David Casbeer

Ryan O'Rorke (RQ)
Improved Operability of Hypersonic Inlets with Fluidic Injection
Faculty Member: Dr. Daniel Cuppoletti
AFRL Sponsor: Tyler Gardner

Roderick Cochran (RX)
Deterministic Defect Generation in few-layer hBN
Faculty Member: Prof. Daniel J. Gauthier
AFRL Sponsor: Dr. Luke Bissell