1. Where are you currently interning and what are you doing?
I am currently Interning at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Sensors Directorate, assisting with high-temperature semiconductor testing.
2. How is it helping you reach your career goals?
My internship has given me valuable engineering experience. I get to apply different programs to design parts and write programs that collect, and process data.
3. Do you plan on staying in the Dayton region?
Yes, I live on the northern end of the Cincinnati area so, I would like to stay working between these two areas. I prefer driving to Dayton versus driving into Cincinnati.
4. Tell me a little bit about what you’ve learned throughout the course of the internship.
I have had a crash-course in electrical engineering. I just recently finished my Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering, and I am working towards a master’s degree. I find the work that I am doing satisfying and would like to continue to contribute to the team.
5. Tell me about how SOCHE has helped you find the internship placement (especially during COVID).
I have been at my internship for almost two years now, and I am glad that I have been with SOCHE through this difficult time.
6. Is your internship online or a blend of both and is that working well?
It has been a mix of both, I have more work to do from home when I can get into the lab and collect data. The base has been on limited occupancy, so I have to share time.
7. Why do you think it helps to learn on the job?
It is hard to put value on experience. Sometimes to learn a job, you must physically do the job. You can talk about theory all you want in a classroom, but putting it into practice is where true understanding comes in.
8. What have you been able to accomplish so far at your internship?
My team is very close to accomplishing the goals that I was hired to assist with. I am hopeful to have a co-authorship on a published paper from this internship.
The Intern Spotlight Series are interviews conducted with current and past SOCHE Interns, discussing the value of their on-the-job experience at their internship.
If you are interested in hiring an intern, contact Patty Buddelmeyer at patty.buddelmeyer@soche.org or (937) 258-8890.
If you are interested in applying for a SOCHE Internship, go to www.socheintern.org.