Formed in 1967, SOCHE is a consortium of colleges and universities in Ohio that promotes educated, employed, and engaged citizens.
Incorporate Careers
into Your Lessons
Click the links for ODE information for teachers and lesson plans to incorporate real-world career scenarios into your classrooms.
Ohio Dept. of Education for Teachers
The ODE teacher page has information from earning your teaching license to tips for teaching people with disabilities.
Teaching with Careers in Mind
The ODE teacher career page has information about incorporating
real-world career situations into your lesson plan to motivate students.
Career Connections Lessons & Activities
Find hundreds of lessons and activities to make career connections within academic subject areas. Incorporate these careers into your lesson plan.
In-Demand Careers
Ohio In-Demand Careers
Ohio has a number of in-demand careers in growing industries that need more workers both now and in the future. Ohio’s Top Jobs page provides valuable insights to help guide students toward a future in each career.
Help Your Students Find and Apply for Internships
High school internships are an opportunity to work with at real-world employers, giving your students a head-start in narrowing their career focus while developing professional skills one can only learn with experience.
Incorporate Preparing for the Application Process into Your Lesson Plan
Review Employability Skills
Employers have identified professional skills needed for work success. Students can evaluate their professional skills to determine if they are ready for an internship.
Write Resumes
Employers use resumes throughout the hiring process to learn more about applicants and whether they might be a good fit. Share these 10 tips to write a great resume with your students.
Prepare for the Interview
Preparing for an interview can be intimidating for students, but with proper preparation they’ll nail the interview. Here is an interviewing prep checklist to use in the classroom.
Help Businesses Design and Implement an Internship Program
SOCHEintern is available to help your local businesses set up a customized internship program for your students. SOCHEintern helps employers create a job description specific to high school students’ skill set and availability, so both the student and employer have a positive experience. Contact SOCHEintern using the form at the link provided, or email us at
Share Career Exploration
with Your Students
Click the links for information about specific careers and the steps to getting a job in each career.
Think TV
Think TV provides career exploration resources on their website including videos and lists of careers to consider.
Career Cruising
Career Cruising, made possible by the Dayton Metro Library, helps users identify which careers will be their best fit. Have your library login ready.
STEM Career Lab
STEM Career Lab is a collection of videos and resources that students may use to explore a variety of STEM careers.
Career Pathways
Career Pathways look at education and training, wage and outlook information for related occupations.
Manufacturing is one of many in-demand careers in Ohio. Students can watch virtual manufacturing tours to learn about careers in manufacturing.